5 Underrated lessons from entrepreneurs for 2023

Sagnik Dey
3 min readJan 4, 2023

These are some of the key lessons that the world’s most renounced entrepreneurs have been telling us but the world has been ignoring them. Follow them to make 2023 your rising year.

Number one — Take action to your problems

The best way to create a future is to create it — Peter Drucker

Most entrepreneurs seek burning problems for a long time and they fail to see that what they need is so close to them, that is, their own problem. There is a famous saying in the entrepreneurship that goes…

Scratch your own itch

This means to solve a problem that you internally have and want someone to solve it for you, but rather than wanting this year, try solving that problem yourself and then build a business around it.

Number two — Never stop learning

Before the New Year I was not feeling guilty about not the learning anything the past year and it was not a good feeling. It was during this time I understood this quote.

My biggest motivation? just to keep challenging myself. I see life like one long university education that I never had — Every day I am learning something new — Richard Branson

Your learnings in life can sometimes become the only source of motivation that you will ever have internally in you and the challenge to learn is one of the biggest challenges that you will ever take in your life. I have taken this challenge this year and I want each one of you to take this challenge.

Number three - Learn from your failures

It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure — Bill Gates

Talking about learning reminds me about the most common question that people ask about learning, “Where should I start learning from?” Learning is very complex process and that should always start with retrospection of your failures. So, start by studying your mistakes from the past year and then start your new journey with the insights of your failures.

Number four - Build your reputation

One of the key reasons of failing in any business is failing at creating the strong core of trust for your business

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that you’ll do things differently - Warren Buffett

Trust does not come from how much experience you have in your industry but rather it comes from your readinesss to give to the people and the society, How much do you care about your work? Why do you care to work ? These questions will help you clear your mind out and create trust from your work.

Number Five — don’t choose your passion, let your passion choose you

New year brings with the new year resolutions and we all know that most of them die in the first few months of the year. One of the key reasons why many people are unable to continue to the new year resolutions is because they tend to force themselves through these activities without actually being passionate about them.

One of the huge mistakes people make is that they try to force on interest themselves, you don’t choose your passion your passions choose you - Jeff Bezos

Sometimes, it is really important to explore different parts of one’s personality to get to what one is truly passionate about. So, instead of setting new year resolutions, set up a bucket list if what you will try new this new year.


With these are the 5 lessons from the great entrepreneurs to start your 2023 and end with banger results

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With this, this is Sagnik Dey signing off.

