Psychological thinking — a fading skill of human race

Sagnik Dey
3 min readJan 24, 2021

psychological thinking is the act of using your brain more consciously and using more than one part of your brain in making a particular decision. Psychologically, every brain has different capabilities in achieving psychological activity and this skill has no benchmark of success. However, this includes gaining the freedom from some of the elementary obstacles that are reducing your brain capabilities. This includes the freedom from hormones which decide your decision-making capabilities, gaining authenticity of thought and defenestrate the idea of judgemental decision making.

Thinking today is based more on hormones

The reasons of decline of psychological thinking

There are no official reasons found for this conscious decline. however, it is seen in deep observation that the youth or more specifically, the teenagers are more affected by hormonal thinking and most of their decisions are based on their hormones or desires that are acting without any proportion in them.

how hormonal thinking is destroying a youth’s life

The youth of the modern age is well equipped with modern gadgets and has every possible amenity that every history maker could ever have a few years back. However, with a higher sense of guilt I must say, that the majority of youth is incapable of making history because of the increased frequency of hormonal thinking. This makes them volatile to misdirection and has been one of the big reasons of lack of creation of better individuals.

Education — misdirected from its goal

Education, initially was very simple and did not have much of the formalities. The initial goal of education was to create better individuals who can shape the destiny of the human race, but education got misdirected as time gone by. In today’s corrupted education, the goal is to create similar traits in every human being and to grade them based on their performance of that trait. This is another reason for increased hormonal thinking. Even, in the early age of humans, we as hunter-gatherers used to have a sense of competition among different tribes, slowly this developed as a hormonal emotion and today, it is often released as a sense of competition between students and youths. Education, tried using hormonal feeling as a tool, but it ended up getting engulfed by the same hormonal thinking.

Education had a perfect aim at its initial stage

Changing societies, cultures and increased number of low producing individuals

As the corrupted education started giving its output, it was found that most of the learning procedures are based on hormonal thinking and is just teaching students or future individuals to think more hormonally and less psychologically. Another phenomenon that has occurred and played an important part in the decline of psychological thinking is the changing perspective of people and creation of an abstract group of people called ‘society’, this pseudo creation has a wide existence and is responsible for fear of many individuals. Hormonal thinking is an inner phenomenon which focuses on how the body can feel the hormones and all the activities of human beings focus on achieving the release of these hormones only.

how to think psychologically

This is the thinking that was achieved by most of the famous people in history. Because of this, many individuals have reached to their success destination. Even, I had a personal experience with shifting from hormonal thinking to psychological thinking and it was an amazing experience.

Steps to practice psychological thinking

  1. Open your mind to perceive knowledge and thinking from a different perspective.
  2. Make your decisions not focusing on security or safety but based on self-contempt.
  3. Consider people advice as questions that can be answered only by your inner voice and mindset. if you can’t any of those, you probably lack the knowledge to take the decision.
  4. Challenges you face are the just unanswered that are beyond your knowledge to solve and not something that requires you to overcome something.


Overall, you must understand that the rising questions or doubts or discomfort might not be because of functioning but it might be because you are thinking hormonally.



Sagnik Dey

Business enthusiast, content writer, young coach